Top 5 Twitch Streamers to Follow

Video game streaming is absolutely BOOMING in today’s culture and it will continue to rise into the mainstream more and more as the days go on. and Youtube are direct factors in the success of these gamers and the industry itself.  If you are unaware of these new developments then firstly, I feel sorry for you.  Secondly, it is ok because we are here to help.

Basically, is a website that is the home to the majority of the top live video game streamers and has been for quite some time now.  Though it has been around for a good minute, people are just now coming around to understand that some of these top streamers are raking in a solid amount of revenue.  More specifically, it has been reported that Ninja, the most popular Fortnite streamer in the world, has been pulling in upwards of 500k a month… Yes, I said $500,000 A MONTH.

He is simply an anomaly though, because due to his high level of gameplay and entertainment value, Ninja has broken every record in the book when it comes to streaming numbers and followers.  The rest of the field though, is on the come up and gaining more followers and subscribers day in and day out.

If you are interested in checking out some of these talented individuals, we here at Crafthouse Cinema have provided you with the top 5 Twitch streamers to follow and watch.

5.) Shroud

  • So I felt it was right to open up with Shroud due to the fact that he is one of the most followed Twitch streams in the world and has gained a following that has catapulted him into stardom.  A former professional gamer, Shroud has found his home with PUBG and has continuously displayed how he might simply be the GOAT of the extremely popular battle royale shooter.  If you prefer PUBG to Fortnite, Shroud is your man.


4.) Timthetatman

  • Tim has to be simply, the most comical and entertaining dude to stream video games.  He has been on the scene as long as anyone and has grown his following through his extremely funny, relatable and refreshing content.  I became aware of Tim when he was streaming the very popular shooter, Overwatch, but you will now most likely find him squading up with Ninja and DrLupo in Fortnite.  Tim will consistently bring in anywhere from 10k to 40k viewers a day as they laugh with him and enjoy watching him take fall damage in Fortnite… Or as Ninja and the boys call it… Tim damage.


3.) TSM_Myth and the TSM Fortnite squad

  • This was a toss up because the professional eSports organization known as Team Solomid (TSM) has recruited some of the top Fortnite players in the world to form a very scary team of professionals.  The pro Fortnite team consists of TSM_Myth, TSM_Daequan, TSM_Hamlinz and TSM_CaMiLLS.  Myth, Daequan and Hamlinz being the most popular and racking up a crazy amount of loyal fans and followers.  Myth just became the 2nd most followed stream on Twitch, trailing none other than Ninja.  So check these guys out as they are always streaming and practicing for the Fortnite tournaments that have recently blessed the competitive field.



  • Personally, NICKMERCS has grown to be my favorite Twitch streamer out there.  Nick represents the console gang as he continuously puts on a dominant display with the PS4 controller that no one else has been capable of.  Having a console Fortnite player consistently compete and outplay PC players is something to admire.  It has never been done like this before and he is gaining the traction to become one of the top streamers in the world.  It is already taking place as his community (The MFAM) is one of the most positive and respected fanbases out there.


1.) Ninja

  • And then there is the boss.  El Jefe, himself.  The most dominant solo Fortnite player in the world and the most followed Twitch streamer of all time.  It is nearly impossible to talk about gaming and the future of Twitch without bringing up Ninja immediately.  He is a walking example of a perfect storm.  Great content, high level gameplay and a loyal fanbase that garners him up to over 100k viewers every time he goes live.  It is truly incredible what this 27 year old has accomplished following his pro Halo career back in the day.  He is the definition of hard work paying off as he has been streaming for nearly 7 years.  His following has came into fruition just in the past year, as he now has over 10 million Twitch followers and over 15 million Youtube subscribers.  If you want to begin your initiation into the gaming world, Ninja is a great place to start and even offers a family friendly stream until he goes live at night under the title “Ninja After Dark”.


Honorable Mentions: DrDisrespect, FaZe Tfue, FaZe cLoak, Cizzorz, dakotaz, CDNThe3rd, SypherPK, Lirik, HighDistortion, DrLupo, Summit1g, CouRageJD, MOONMOON, sodapoppin, xQc, asmongold.

So there you have it.  A solid introduction into video game streaming and the community that is Twitch.  Now is a great time to start catching up and exploring the website to find the games and streamers that you like because I believe that we are entering a time where eSports is slowly taking over the market.  Thanks for reading and as always, be nice to each other.

Nick Sig


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